Traditional Mentoring with Spanking and
Disciplinary Services
Helping you achieve your goals and reaching your targets.
Kate P - you will always be in my thoughts

Hello and thank you for visiting my site and I'm sorry its not very good but I'm a much better Mentor and Disciplinarian than website creator! Please read all sections.
My name is Mark and I am a honest, trustworthy and caring Health Care Professional with well over 30 years experience in mentoring. I have been smacking naughty bottoms since my childhood so I put the two together and have had great results. The spanking element is only a small part of the mentoring but obviously an important one. When I mentor someone we build up a deep level of trust and I am available to them at anytime through phone, text and email. Everyone one is welcome regardless of identity, sexual orientation , age etc. I invest a great deal of time and effort in to mentoring and expect the same level of commitment from you and then we can really achieve great things together and get you to be the best version of you. If you do not need a full mentor programme please scroll down to the Discipline and maintenance spanking sections, thanks.
UPDATE 07/05/2024 I have extensive training and knowledge to Post Graduate level in Mental Health as well as decades in helping people to become successful and stay on the right path.
Let me guide and help you to become the best version of you that you can be.

If we enter into a mentoring programme together it is structured along the normal lines of traditional mentoring. However you will find that I am very approachable, funny and knowledgeable as I advise and guide you using my life experience having worked around the world. I have also recently taken workshops in survivors of sexual assault and am an advocate for mental health. We would figure out what you want to do, where you want to be and how to get you there. You would have to be honest and let me know what areas you need help in and why. Remember its your choices and decisions that get you to where you are so the idea is to get you to stop making poor ones and plan things better.
It does work!!!

The Meeting and Planning.
So as a medic I obviously live on coffee so after we have communicated via e-mail, text and phone calls and we both feel comfortable we would normally meet up in a coffee shop to see whether we could work together. It's always easier to see how people really are when face to face as 70% of true communication is non verbal. Plus you can't hide!
If we are happy then we would organise a meeting where we would go through everything. This would include the areas that you need to work on and how we would get you there. We would also discuss what you would be spanked for and how and this would only ever be done with your full consent so there would be no nasty surprises. The meeting would be conducted in a friendly and approachable manner as we are starting to form a team.

The Diary
I find it is normally very helpful if you keep a diary. This is not a reminder for your appointments (you should have a different one for that so you don't miss any) but is for you to write down what you did each day and more importantly how you felt when you did it. It gives me a clear insight into how you felt when something happened because if you waited until we met up your views on the incident may well have changed. Also if you have made a poor choice or decision you can put it down there as you might find it hard to verbalise them later. This has helped numerous people over the years with procrastination, mental health and actually getting to know themselves a bit better!! Its also great to review as we move forwards and to reflect upon.

The Review.
We would hold regular reviews in a safe location which are an open forum for us to figure out how things were going. We would assess your work ethic, attitude, general well being and see where you are on the plan that we have already formulated. We would also go through the diary so I could understand what has happened and how you felt about it. If a spanking has been earned then it would be given. After the spanking we would discuss what happened and why and how we can move forward as a team to improve things.

The Spanking.....
Now this is the bit where everyone jumps to!
If you have earnt a spanking then it will be given. Simple as that. We would discuss why you are going to get your bottom smacked, how you got to this and what we could do to prevent it from happening again in there future.
Normally a spanking would be given in a caring and controlled way and it will be over my lap and on your bare bottom. It will be bare bottom for a couple of reasons:
1. I want to be able to see what I am smacking and the condition of your bottom.
2. It might embarrass you a bit and make you think more about what choices and decisions that got you here plus its traditional !
Be warned that spankings are not rushed and I also utilise corner time for most people as its good to reflect both before and after a spanking.
Some people respond better to a more authoritarian stance to a spanking but that is something we will figure out and is always adaptable. Most people suit a firm but loving approach to a good smacked bottom. The spanking itself is tailored to the recipient so they are always different but they are ALL proper spankings. If you don't want your bottom smacked then stick to the plan and make the right choices and decisions!
Please note : there will always be 2 safe words that can be used at anytime during the spanking.
1. To stop everything immediately - this could be due to cramp or psychological flash back etc
2. To alert me that you may be approaching what you consider is your limit.
We will always discuss limits and safe words and your safety is always paramount. You trust me to help you become the best version of you and that trust will never be abused.

Discipline meetings.
Some people don't need the full mentoring programme but still need to be held accountable for their behaviour or choices and decisions. This is where we would meet when required and discuss recent events and you would end up with a smacked bottom. Normally my hand has the desired effect but with some people other measures would be needed. I have found this very bath brush to break the resolve of the most stubborn bottom out there. I have helped senior managers with their attitude and helped relieve the sometimes over whelming stress that many people feel. Managers, athletes, VIP's from the age of 18 to 67!

Stress reliever and maintenance spanking.
Sometimes we don't know why we need our bottoms smacked but we just do! It can help you get out of a bad cycle or a bad place and give you a much needed rush of endorphins. It can also be nice to let someone else be in control who cares for you and you know that you are in safe hands. I can also introduce maintenance spanking as a means to keep you on the straight and narrow. This is not a punishment spanking but a decent wake up and reminder to keep to the plan or be the best version of you ! They really work too!
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